I participated in the Arthritis Foundation Advocacy Summit 2011 in Washington DC. It was a great experience and I believe I made a difference. Kevin Mandrell and his wife, Annette were the other representatives from Indiana. Together we visited each of the eleven offices of the Senate and House represented by Indiana. We met with Representative Burton and then with everyone’s Legislative Directors or Assistants. Most seemed genuinely interested. As the government is undergoing drastic budget cuts right now, no one was making any commitments, but they were all receptive to continuing contact with us which was promising. Our goal was to give them information and discuss our four agenda items:
- To join the Congressional Arthritis Caucus and continue to fight to maintain our national investment in arthritis research. As a result of our visits, 17 members of Congress have signed up as of March 4th.
- Make Arthritis a National Priority. To help stop arthritis and add it to your national and local discussions on chronic disease. To support programs to help Americans manage arthritis and help prevent further disability. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. resulting in $128 billion dollars of medical expenses and lost earnings each year. We distributed form letters for President Obama and Secretary Sebelius for the legislators to sign and mail.
- To support the National Institutes of Health and National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases as well as the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance. These agencies are making great strides in arthritis treatment and prevention and need to be supported now for cost containment and disease reduction in the future. Currently one in five Americans has arthritis and 300,000 children. In another 20 years that is projected to become one in four or 25% of Americans. According to the CDC 1 in 20 working Americans will have to change their job due to arthritis. I am one of these working Americans currently going back to school to start a new career because the one I love is too strenuous with my arthritis.
- To urge federal investment in arthritis research through Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs at the Department of Defense. Veterans are returning from service with a 50% increased risk for arthritis. Most of them are afflicted with osteoarthritis from the wear and tear from their equipment and injuries.
The Arthritis Foundation provided an excellent training program to prepare all of the Advocates. It was great to network with others and get fresh ideas. The AF staff of Amy Melnick, Jennifer Taylor McBride, Laurie Markle and Kimberly Beer made the education fun and inspiring. The physician speakers prepared the group with the newest information on arthritis developments and treatments to present to the congressmen. I look forward to next year’s program and to my continuing efforts this year with my legislators.
- Treva